
GOAL 6 : SDGs Akses Air Bersih dan Sanitasi

  Akses Air Bersih dan Sanitasi: Tujuan Pembangunan Berkelanjutan (SDGs) 6 Pendahuluan Tujuan Pembangunan Berkelanjutan (Sustainable Development Goals/SDGs) merupakan serangkaian tujuan global yang diadopsi oleh PBB pada tahun 2015 untuk mengakhiri kemiskinan, melindungi planet, dan memastikan bahwa semua orang menikmati perdamaian dan kemakmuran pada tahun 2030. Salah satu dari 17 tujuan tersebut adalah SDG 6, yang berfokus pada "Menjamin ketersediaan dan pengelolaan air bersih dan sanitasi yang berkelanjutan untuk semua". Pentingnya Akses Air Bersih dan Sanitasi Akses terhadap air bersih dan sanitasi adalah hak asasi manusia yang fundamental dan elemen kunci dalam mempromosikan kesehatan dan kesejahteraan. Air yang aman dan sanitasi yang layak sangat penting untuk pencegahan penyakit dan mendukung kehidupan yang sehat. Kekurangan air bersih dapat menyebabkan penyakit yang disebabkan oleh air seperti diare, kolera, dan berbagai infeksi lainnya, yang secara signifikan dapat m


  WATER CLEAN AND SANITATION is the 6th SDGs goal. Clean Water and Proper Sanitation are basic human needs. One of the point in the sustainable development goals (SDGs) in the environmental sector is to ensure that the community achieves universal access to clean to clean water and sanitation.  The availabilyty of clean water is very important for the community, it is useful fo children's growth and reducing the spreas of disease. Currently, many children are stunted, one of which is the lack of clean water for consumption. So i hope many people understand how important this is. And the action I take as a form of caring for the SDGs is to share knowledge with those closest to me, I also share this article on the blog.   Hopefully this will add insight to all of us and more people will care about the environment around us. Krisdian Dwi Pangesti/17 XII MIPA 2  
2. What are the main ideas of these paragraphs? Paragraph 1: A description of Hughie erskine Paragraph 2: Romance story of Hughie erskine Paragraph 3: The kindness of Hughie erskine Paragraph 4: Beggar is baron hausberg a rich man Paragraph 5: Baron give a thousand pounds for Hughie and Laura they get a married Paragraph 6 : Moral value of the story 3. match the world in the left column with the phrases in the right column. 1.  Laura Merton : The girl that Hughie loves very much 2. Alan Trevor : A famous painter,Hughie’s closest friend 3.  Baron Hausberg: One of the richest gentlemen in Europe 4. The palette Cub: a meeting place where Alan and Hughie 5. Colonel Merton:  A retired colonel,Laura’s father 4. Answer the following questions. a. Alan trevor was painting life size picture of a beggar man b. He gave him a sovereign c. He was actually Baron Hausberg,one of the richest men in Europe d. No,he wasn’t. He was embarrased e. 10.000 pounds f. Baron give a cheque f

Past tense

Past tense 1. At first the sufferer feels like a fever and is followed by a dry cough. 2. Chinese scientists say some people may be infected before showing symptoms. 3. Diah Handayani explained that 2019-nCoV is a virus that attacks the human respiratory system. 4. According to Diah, this virus is dangerous if it has entered and damaged lung .function, otherwise known as pneumonia 5. This virus through the air that is inhaled or inhaled through the nose and mouth so that it enters the respiratory tract. 6. Diah said the mild symptoms were flu accompanied by cough. 7.Starting from a fever, followed by a dry cough. 8. The doctor who is a member of the Indonesian Lung Doctors Association confirmed that all corona viruses, including the 2019-nCoV corona virus, have no cure. 9. Avoid unprotected contact with wild animals. 10.Diah asserted, some of the victims died in general was not only caused by 2019-nCoV. Negative 1. At first the sufferer didn't feels like a fever and

Covid-19 in Indonesia

Corona virus outbreak in Indonesia made the government extend the status of emergency response until the end of May 2020.  Until the middle of March 2020 according to data from the World Health Organization, WHO, the number of infections is around 250,000 cases with more than 10,000 deaths, according to data as of Friday (3/20). The three countries with the most cases outside China - the origin of the outbreak - are South Korea, Iran and Italy. Indonesia is not the country with the most cases, but has the highest mortality rate of around 8%. Covid symptoms The symptoms of Covid-19 are similar to those of a cold or a cold. At first the sufferer feels like a fever and is followed by a dry cough. After one week, the patient will experience shortness of breath. The incubation period - between transmission and showing symptoms - is about 14 days, according to the World Health Organization (WHO). But some researchers say this period can take 24 days. Chinese scientists say some p